Welcome back! I’m happy to say that Open Road Media has released eight of my backlist titles as e-books. Please take a look!
Also, Chapters Interactive at Crazy Maple Studio has released my title Prince of Dreams as a fun, choose-your-own steps online game! Two more games, based on Prince of Wolves and Prince of Shadows, will be released in the future.

The Game
Prince of Dreams
When your little cousin goes missing, you have no one to turn to except the gorgeous, hypnotically charming Nicholas Gale. However, Nicholas isn’t all that he seems. He’s a powerful being with the ability to go into a woman’s dreams and fill her nights with untold rapture… And he’s chosen you.
Chapters: Interactive Stories combines a unique style of choose your own story gameplay with fiction stories that you simply can’t put down! YOU get to make the choices in these interactive story games. You can choose whether you fall in love, discover horrific secrets, or unravel deep mysteries!
The Chapters app is available on Google Play and on the App Store.